Saturday, August 31, 2019

Becker: “Outside” Essay

​a) According to Howard Becker, central fact about deviance is that â€Å"it is created by society. Becker does not mean that the causes of deviance can be derived from the social environment of the deviant or the â€Å"social factors† that causes an individual to engage in deviant behavior. Rather, Becker means that social groups create deviance by creating the rules or norms that must be adhered to and if they are violated—the violation will result in what the group deems as being deviance. Thus, the individuals who go against the norms or rules of a social group will be labeled as being an â€Å"outsider†. ​b) According to Becker, a deviant is an individual â€Å"to whom that label has successfully been applied†. He asserts that deviance is not a characteristic of the action a person commits; rather it is an outcome of the rules and sanctions used by others to an â€Å"outsider† or the reaction of others to an individual’s a ction. Deviant behavior is deviant when there is an audience that judges it as such. ​c) Becker states that â€Å"deviant† is not a homogenous category, because deviance in and of itself is a result of the reactions of others to an individual’s action. Therefore, while one social group may view a particular individual’s action as being deviant, another may not. Deviance is contextual; it depends on the audience that is judging the individual’s action. One cannot assume that every individual who has been deemed as being a â€Å"deviant† are the same, because the processing of labeling individuals is not reliable. There are individuals who have been labeled deviant who have not broken a rule, such as individuals who are considered deviant because of their race or religion. Also, one cannot assume that the group of deviants contains individuals who have actually broken a rule, since there are individuals who may have escaped scrutiny and therefore are not included in the category of deviants. ​d) Whether people respond to an act as being deviant depends on several factors, such as the type of act that is committed, the setting in which the action is taking place, and the person committing the act. Deviant acts that are considered not to be illegal or that does not harming other individuals, such as having tattoos, dressing eccentrically, are sometimes overlooked or deemed as being not so bad. Whereas, deviant acts that tend to feature criminal behavior is usually judged seriously by individuals who do not partake in such behavior, such as child abuse, domestic violence, murder, or rape. The setting in which the action is taking place plays a role in whether or not people will judge the  act as being deviant. For example, if a woman decides to go to attend a church service in a provocative style of clothing, then she will be judged by the other parishioners as being deviant, because that particular social group has guidelines as to how individuals must look and conduct themselves while being in that particular setting. However, if that same woman were to go to a risquà © club dressed in the same manner, she would not be seen as being a deviant, because that particular social group has its own guidelines as to how people look and conduct themselves. Lastly, the type of person committing the act plays a role in whether or not individuals will respond to that act as being deviant. For example, there can be two teenagers who decide to shoplift from a store. One of the teenagers comes from a middle-class family who lives in the suburbs, while the other teenager comes f rom a working-class family that does not live in such a nice neighborhood. Since there are some individuals who automatically associate the poor to working class with very negative stereotypes, it would not be unlikely that the teenager from the working class family would be judged more severely than the teenager who comes from a middle-class family. ​e) Hughes’ concept of the â€Å"master status† applies to deviance in the sense that, if an individual possesses a deviant trait, other individuals may assume that he/she possesses all of the negative traits that goes along with that one particular trait. Also, an individual having the status of being a deviant has the ability to override all of the other statuses that individual possesses. For example, a man may have the status of being a father, husband, and a social worker. However, if he becomes incarcerated due to a drug charge, his status as a convict will override all of his other statuses in the eyes of many people. Even after he is released from prison, he will be seen as an ex-co nvict first and foremost, and then as the other statuses that he possesses.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Beverly Cleary Author Study Essay

Hi, my name is Beverly Cleary. I am an author of over thirty books for children and adults. I have written many award winning books. I worked as a librarian when I was younger. That’s where I got the idea to write about ordinary kids. I was born in McMinnville Oregon on April 12, 1916. My dad was in the war. When I was a child I was always around books. Soon me and my family moved to Portland. I attended grammar and high school there. I found myself in the low reading circle. When in third grade I was told by the public librarian â€Å"You should write a book.† I kept that in mind. When I was 34 I wrote my first book, Henry Huggins. The way I get the ideas for the books is from my own experiences like my childhood or other kids’ childhood. Maybe I would see an article in the newspaper or a magazine. Sometimes it would just seem to come out of thin air. Once two boys who didn’t know each other asked me to write a book about a child of divorce. That’s how I got Dear Mr. Henshaw, my Newberry winner. One street that most of my characters live on is Klickitat Street which is a real street in Portland. I have won many awards for my books. For example, Dear Mr. Henshaw won the Newberry Medal in 1984. Ramona and Her Father was made a Newberry Honor Book in 1978. Ramona Quimby, Age 8 was made a Newberry Honor Book in 1982. The Newberry award is one of the most prestigious awards given to authors for their contributions to literature for children. In 1984 the U.S. made me a nominee for the Hans Christian Andersen award. Two of my books are Henry Huggins and Ribsy. Some ways they are alike are that they have the same characters – Henry Huggins, Ribsy, Ramona, and Beezes. They both have a both have problems concerning animals and they take place on the same street. Some ways they are different are that they have different problems. In the book Henry Huggins, Henry has lots of small problems with his pets, which are not life and death situations. In the book Ribsy, Ribsy the dog has one big problem. He gets lost and he needs to figure out how to get back to his owner, Henry Huggins. This is a big problem for a dog because he doesn’t want to get hit by a car or get killed or hurt by other animals. My books are about ordinary kids and the things that happen to them. There’s usually a problem or two and the characters find interesting ways to solve them. I like to write about ordinary kids because it’s something kids can relate to and enjoy reading without thinking it’s a hassle. Kids tell me they like my stories. I hope you do too.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Anti Discrimination Essay

Anti-discrimination occurs when a person is treated less preferred than others because of their age, gender, ethnicity, disability or religion. Anti-discrimination also refers to the law on the right of people to be treated equally. Three anti-discrimination laws include: Racial Discrimination Act 1975 Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 Disability Discrimination Act 1992 The Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 is an Act relating to discrimination in employment, the public education system, delivery of goods and services, and other services such as banking, health care, property and night clubs. The Act helps unlawful racial, sexual and other types of discrimination in certain circumstances and promotes equality of opportunity for all people. The Act was granted Royal Assent on 28 April 1977 and came into effect on 1 June 1977. It was the 48th Act of 1977. Since then the Act has been amended and reformed about 90 times Racial Discrimination happens when someone is treated less fairly than someone else in a similar situation because of their race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin. Racial discrimination can also happen when a policy or rule appears to treat everyone in the same way but actually has an unfair effect on more people of a particular race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin than others. Since the Act was passed in 1975, over 10,500 complaints have been received. The power of the national Parliament to pass this over-riding law arises under the â€Å"external affairs† power contained in the Australian Constitution. The power arose from the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination to which Australia is a treaty. This use of the power in this manner was confirmed in the landmark High Court decision in 1982. Disability Discrimination is when people with disabilities face huge social barriers at jobs, education and access to government. Disabilities also increase the chance of violence and other extreme forms of discrimination,  as well as banished from family and institutionalization. In the 1960s and 1970s, young activists and scholars organized a disability rights movement to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, modeled after other civil rights movements. In general, the legal rights and responsibilities of employees in relation with anti-discrimination may include that you have the same right to training, promotion and work benefits as other employees e.g. if you have a disability, employers must provide you with any special facilities or services you need to access training, promotion or work benefits, as long as this won’t cause them unjustifiable hardship. You generally have the right to stay on in your job if you have a disability, or you acquire a di sability after you begin the job. An employer can only dismiss you, medically retire you or make you redundant because of your disability. As when you apply for a job, your employer must provide any special facilities or services you need to continue to do your job, as long as this won’t cause them unjustifiable hardship. If there are non-essential parts of your job that you can’t do, your employer must make arrangements to cover these in some other way. As for Race Discrimination you have the right to report any incidents if a person has harassed/bullied you this might include: your race, color, nationality, descent, ethnic or ethno-religious background of any of your relatives, friends, associates or work colleagues. If this does occur these penalties can be brought up to court for a trial. Problems faced by people affected by Anti-Discrimination might include African Americans who are called names who are harshly abused and harassed because of their race and their skin colour. All over the world, as a society we have been unable to accept being classified under one label. Our place as a racial state has changed throughout history, but still remains a mix of two ideas, racial dictatorship and racial hegemony, working to becoming a racial democracy. In the beginning, and for most of its history, from 1607 to 1865, most non-whites were firmly eliminated from politics. The racial dictatorship organized the â€Å"color line† rendering it the fundamental division in society. These â€Å"color lines† seem to be most prevalent in institutions where the color of your skin determined where you lived, what school you attended, and where you sat in restaurants and public transportation. It took real people from different cultures and grouped them into one generalized category. Instead of being labeled as your country of origin or where you lived, like (Americans) or (Africans), they were simply labeled black, therefore making them seem inferior to the dominant race. By grouping them into one category of little meaning, it takes away from their individuality and culture. The dominant group, in this case the United States, survives by a mixture of forcing and giving permission. For instance, blacks were given the right to education, however the level of education received by blacks compared to whites is different. Far more white people attend higher education institutions as opposed to blacks. Of all the students enrolled in higher education institutions, 70 percent of them were white while the remaining 30 percent of students. There is a large disparity in these numbers, however compared to a couple of decades ago, minorities, especially blacks, weren’t even allowed to attend school. Minorities’ attendance is even on the increase while white a ttendance in higher education is decreasing. Between 1991 and 1995, while the white enrollment was decreasing the black enrollment was increased by 9 percent. In the past the minority population made significantly less than the dominant race, and unfortunately it is still that way. While the gap is closing in disparity, there is still a huge jump in the earning of whites compared to those of blacks. Between 1980 and 1984, white men aged 18-64 made and hourly wage of $2.10 while there black counterparts only made an hourly wage of $1.86. (These men were performing similar jobs and yet the white male still made more earning than the black male. What also helped to close the gap was the black race was becoming educated and therefore more skilled. They were able to attend school now and become knowledgably in their skills and therefore make more money. These statistics should help to show that while racial disparity still exists, our dictatorship still exists but not as openly as in the past. For instance, real estate agents are more likely to point a white couple in the direction of white neighborhoods and a black couple in the direction of a black neighborhood. While helping them both equally, they are dictating where the couple’s should end up. Until politics serves the people and not the politician’s motives, we will never reach a racial democracy. As long as people are still saying discrimination, we will never reach a racial democracy. These problems were resolved since the Act was passed in 1975; over 10,500 complaints have been received. The power of the national  Parliament to pass this over-riding law arises under the â€Å"external affairs† power contained in the Australian Constitution. The power arose from the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination to which Australia is a treaty. This use of the power in this manner was confirmed in the landmark High Court decision in 1982. The Civil rights act 1964 was enacted to ensure that people in protected classes were not treated differently when it came to employment decisions, such as hiring, promotions and termination. Companies had policies that openly discriminated against employees for reasons, such as color or sex that were not related to the quality of job performance. In order to make the workplace equitable in its treatment of all employees, the government made it illegal to consider the protected classes in work-related decisions. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) received more than 93,000 complaints of discrimination in fiscal year 2009. An employer may not intend to treat employees differently, but an employee behavior may have the impact of discrimination. For example, someone telling a sexually laced joke may not intend to harass an employee, but the impact of the conversation may have led to a hostile work environment. Employees who experience discrimination in the workplace may suffer from low morale, which directly impacts work performance. If employees do not feel valued for the work that they do, then they will not be motivated to continue to perform at a satisfactory or above satisfactory level. These employees may be more likely to seek jobs in other companies or to file discrimination complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Although the EEOC filled just over 300 lawsuits out of the 93,000 complaints it received in 2009, the time and money used to respond to complaints may impact the company’s profits. Also, a complainant may receive a â€Å"right to sue† letter from the EEOC. This gives the employee the ability to sue in court for discrimination, whether the charges are true or false. Again, the expense to a company may be greater than if it had implemented policies and workplace behavior expectations that would give everyone a clear mind on what to do and what not to do. Having a policy that forbids harassing  behaviors by employees shows that the company is proactive in protecting the rights of all employees. Disciplining or firing employees or members of management who have been proven to act in a discriminatory manner is a good defense against a claim of disparate treatment. This could help the company avoiding the expense and bad publicity which could be a great help at the end. Anti-Discrimination helps a lot of people around the people not only from work; it helps people from schools, shows and movies. It gives everyone a equal fairness on how they should get treated, and this why I think anti-discrimination is a great solution to make a world a better place. Bibliography

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Articles of business ethics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Articles of business ethics - Term Paper Example rogram must incorporate, to wit: (1) a comprehensive statement of both mission and values, as well as a code of conduct that all personnel must understand and be fully aware of; (2) communication vehicles that focus on ethical practice to be monitored and updated regularly; and (3) regular training programs that provide case studies, updated ethical scenarios, and define appropriate business behavior in various business transactions. As emphasized, a one-time training program that focuses on ethics training is not sufficient; yet, a regularly updated and implemented ethics training must be undertaken to ensure conformity to the standards posed in business endeavors. The article proffered issues pertinent to the apparent decline in standards of morality by accepting payments from organizations supposedly in exchange of unethical activities. The author initially cited rampant examples of scenarios where payments have been made in exchange of placing a tattoo of the Web site of the donating organization on the forehead of a Utah woman or commitments to undertake long-term contraception (Kristof, 2012). Concurrently, the author cited a book written by a Harvard political theorist, Michael Sandel, entitled â€Å"What Money Can’t Buy†, arguing that â€Å"in recent years we have been slipping without much reflection into relying upon markets in ways that undermine the fairness of our society† (Kristof, 2012, par. 3). Kristof expounded on presenting other scenarios that depict people accepting payments for favors that run counter to ethical and moral standards. Article 3: Stevenson, B. (2012, May 13). â€Å"THE ETHICIST; Office Detectives.† Retrieved June 15, 2012, from The New York Times: The article’s main message focuses on addressing different ethical concerns from three different senders. The first scenario required suggesting that companies must employ people who could

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Market rate of return Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Market rate of return - Assignment Example If it is observed that the returns are consistently below the SML line, it will mean that the stock is expected to rise, while if the returns are seen to be consistently above the line, then it will mean that the stock is due for a drop. Graphing the SML for a particular stock requires a stock with a beta that is higher than 1 and this usually outperforms the market, while a beta that is less than 1 implies that it underperforms the market (Shanken, 56). The y-intercept of the SML is equal to risk-free rate. The SML slope is equal to market risk premium and it usually reflects the return trade of a given time. Beta is termed as non-diversifiable or systematic risk. Basing on the generated regression line the equation created is=8.375x-0.166 Going by beta values, the security market line indicates that the relationship between return and risk is linear for the individual securities. For instance, increased return= increased risk. Essentially it indicates what return someone needs to e arn on an investment for it to be worth taking, and this is seen to increase with the investment riskiness. The Security Market Line formula is as below: Required Return = Risk Free Rate + (Beta x [Market Return - Risk Free Rate]) Calculate 95% confidence intervals for the slope and y-intercept. SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.997314 R Square 0.994636 Adjusted R Square 0.992848 Standard Error 0.005276 Observations 5 ANOVA Â   df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 0.015486 0.015486 556.2975 0.000167 Residual 3 8.35E-05 2.78E-05 Total 4 0.01557 Â   Â   Â   Â   Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Intercept 0.020428 0.004799 4.256403 0.023776 0.005154 0.035702 0.005154 0.035702 X Variable 1 0.118761 0.005035 23.58596 0.000167 0.102737 0.134786 0.102737 0.134786 RESIDUAL OUTPUT Observation Predicted Y Residuals 1 0.04418 0.00582 2 0.079809 -0.00481 3 0.109499 -0.0045 4 0.162942 0.002058 5 0.19857 0.00143 Look up t he current return on one-year Treasury bills/notes as your risk-free rate. Two good sources. In your report, please state your source and the date used. Date used; November 29, 2013 My risk free rate is 0.05 Given the current risk-free rate, is the regression estimate of your risk-free rate match the actual current risk-free rate? Use confidence intervals to help answer this question. Basing on the confidence interval calculation above, the regression estimate of my risk free rate does not match the actual current risk-free rate because it falls outside the interval or range of 0.10273 and 0.13478 What is the current expected market rate of return (based on your regression)? Basing on my regression, the current expected market rate of return is as below; Using the equation generated from the regression; Y=8.375x-0.166 The current expected market rate of return is equal to X Therefore X=(y+0.166)/8. 375 But we are given Y which is 0.05. The X will now be (0.05+0.166)/8.375=0.02579 Therefore, the current expected market rate of return is 0.02579 Works Cited Shanken, J.On the Estimation of Beta-Pricing Models,"Review of Financial Studies, 5(1), 1{33,1992. Print Shanken, J.,and G.

Motivation Methods Used In the Hotels in Sheffield Coursework

Motivation Methods Used In the Hotels in Sheffield - Coursework Example and J. Clanchy 1997). Throughout this period so, universities in Australia, Canada, USA, UK experienced an internationalisation of their action; together in terms of the number of worldwide students studying intercontinental higher education programmes, and an add to in the width of international students, with around one in ten of the total enrolment make overseas. Frequently, the prevalence of international students that study for an Australia, Canada, USA, UK requirement start from Asia. Dobson et al. state that: Moreover, for part time university students studying human resource management (HRM) as a core subject, chapter will serve as a textbook at higher levels of undergraduate study and postgraduate/Masters study. For business management students studying HRM as a core subject or an option, this text will serve as secondary/further reading for motivation methods. As a sectoral source it builds upon introductions in organizational behaviour, people management or employee relations, and will be useful at higher undergraduate and post-graduate/Masters/Masters in Business Administration (MBA) levels. Social science students m... As a sectoral source it builds upon introductions in organizational behaviour, people management or employee relations, and will be useful at higher undergraduate and post-graduate/Masters/Masters in Business Administration (MBA) levels. Social science students may also be interested in the research, as industrial relations and the employment relationship of part time students with motivation are very important dimensions of the sociology of work. For them this text will represent a rich source of information on contemporary characteristics of service sector work that can exemplify theoretical sociological perspectives, such as fragmentation and feminization of labour, and inform debates on labour process theory. Here the chapter will provide secondary/ further reading on optional courses (Barron, P. and C. 2002). What Are The Significance Of Hotel Industries For Part Time Students in Sheffield For the purposes of this chapter, the term hospitality or Hotel industry (HI) serves as an overarching label for businesses whose primary purpose is to offer food, beverage and accommodation for sale on a commercial basis. The main activities or sub-sectors in the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC) Division 55 (Hotels and restaurants) are hotels, restaurants, bars (including pubs and clubs) and (contract) catering (International Labour Organization (ILO), 2001:5-6). Table I.1 shows the numbers employed in hospitality-specific occupations in the UK. These are the sub-sectors covered by WERS, by comparable Labour Force Surveys (LFSs) in the European Union (EU) and by much of the academic literature

Monday, August 26, 2019

Purpose of existence and after life in Islam Vs. Existentialism Essay

Purpose of existence and after life in Islam Vs. Existentialism - Essay Example The tradition of the Islamic religion outlines detailed actions regarding every aspect of life, which every Muslim must adhere to. These aspects include daily activities and rituals such as Namaaz, food etiquettes, respect for elders, marriage ceremonies, peaceful and friendly behavior towards neighbors, friends, relatives, and numerous aspects of daily life. thus we can say that the Koran is the code of conduct, a reference book for the Muslim community to lead a peaceful and content life while doing good deeds, for which they shall be rewarded in the life, hereafter, or after death. Existentialism is not a religion; it is a movement which began in the early 18th century, by a group of scholars. The movement is atheistic as it does not believe in God as the supreme power governing the actions and occurrences of the world. Existentialism is a way of life which determines that the actions of a person are based on free will. It states that morals, value and ethics in the life of an individual necessitate form the individual’s experiences of the world, and as such are based on personal perceptions. The movement is known to have begun by scholars like Soren Kierkegaard, who emphasizes on the occurrence of truth, rejecting the system of Hegelianism. He states that each individual has to pass through three stages in life. The other prominent scholar of existentialism, Friedrich Nietzsche, believes in the concept of â€Å"nothingness†. His famous quote, â€Å"God is Dead†, stems from the fact that more and more people are becoming atheist and that Christianity cannot be a basis for values, ethics and morals. He criticizes Western culture stating that there is an absence of morals and values in the culture. he believes that the strong will for â€Å"freedom† is the most dominating emotion over all the other wills of religion, morals and ethical values. He firmly

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Organisational Change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Organisational Change - Assignment Example In most cases, the process of change is met by some sort of resistance because employees tend to uncertain about the new concept being introduced as its outcomes tend to be uncertain (Pardo del Val & Maartinez Fuentes n.d, p. 5). Change should be a gradual process that should focus on having all team members on board, but those that seek to maintain the status quo are usually outshined by the same. John Kotter, a leading thinker in management, asserts that an eight step model is the surest way for leading changes in an organisation with a high chance that the organisation that applies it assured of success. The eight step model will be discussed later within the paper so as to capture an in-depth analysis of the same. Resistance within an organisational setting is something that a leader should anticipate, meaning that being prepared for this is likely to influence the speed of implementing the changes desired. Once change has been implemented, managing it becomes the next task as poor management of change is likely to foster undesired results. In essence, the need to implement change results from the aspect of globalisation and new technology innovations made every day that seek to make business practices be more effective, which is what every business organisation seeks to achieve (Aquinas 2010, p. 244). The implication of this is that organisations should operate at their l ocal level but apply international strategies so that their products and services can go global which a concept that McDonalds understood well (Vignali 2001, p. 98). With this, the essay will delve into the perspectives of John Kotter on change, the three schools of thought on change and their relevance today. In an organisational setting, change management refers to the process of helping individuals and teams within an organisation to transition towards the future that that the organisation desires (Burgess 2004, p. 169). According to many, change tends to be deliberate and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

E-commerce Practice Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

E-commerce Practice - Personal Statement Example From the brainstorm for the website, I realized that there was a need to develop research about the industry, our product and potential clients. Though e-commerce provides an almost unlimited market, the main challenge is directing traffic to the site and translating this in turn to actual sales, a proposition that has become more challenging considering technical requirements and saturation of industries (Lefebvre & Lefebvre 30-31). Afterwards, I had to communicate the site's requirements to developers so that it can best reflect the product and performance objectives to maximize the productivity and effectivity of the site. Finally, there was a need to develop performance measures for performance and maintaining competitiveness. The entire process of setting up the company is time consuming and challenging. Often, I encountered tasks that were beyond my existing skills or competencies which challenged me to research and cultivate the means to augment my skills or competencies as necessary.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business in a Competitive Environment -technology Article

Business in a Competitive Environment -technology - Article Example There are a number of factors that influence the market’s preference of one technology over another and these include innovation and lock-in forces. Innovation has been defined differently by different people but the one thing that is common in all its definitions is the need to complete the exploitation and development aspects of new knowledge or technology, not just its invention. Innovation is often confused with invention but the later is the first step of the lengthy process of developing a good idea into wide spread and effective use by consumers. A good invention does not guarantee market preference and therefore market success. Once a good technological invention has been created, innovation tools such as market development, project management, organizational behaviour and financial management, just to mention a few, have to be employed in order to make the invented technology successful in the market. For instance, when consumers or markets are faced with the decision to select a technology among many available technologies, the consumers will find it necessary to base their decision on several innovative aspects such a s the technology that gives a richer user experience, is easily accessible, has evolving capabilities, is secure, and best serves the need of the business, among other aspects. The direction of technological innovation is a major determinant of the technology that gets preference in a market. Technological innovation can either be sustaining or disruptive. Sustaining innovations are those that seek to improve an already existing technology in order to increase its value to the market while disruptive innovations aim to introduce entirely new technology to the market in order to replace the old technology. Disruptive technological innovations often overlap with radical breakthroughs but sometimes represent advances in business models. Leading companies and governments in tend to be very successful at implementing sustaining

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Fundamentals of Research Essay Example for Free

Fundamentals of Research Essay Research is a vital part of someone life because for the person to find information or wants to know anything he or she would need to conduct a research. People use other scientific approaches to conduct testing on data and research. The most common scientific approach people uses are scientific method because they can find the most reasonable solution to his or her testing. When working in the human services field research is one of the major tools used by case workers, managers, and counselors, and therapist. The scientific methods provide workers with enough information to make important decision on a regular base. Before human services professionals enter the field they conduct research or gathered information from his or her research so they could have information about his or her client. This type of research helps human service professional on his or her cases. The description, definition, and explanation of the scientific method on how human services professional uses research to conduct business will be present in this paper. The definition of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method research will be presented and an example on when to apply mixed method research in human services works. The definition of the scientific method is a â€Å"general expression for the methodology of science, or systematic research approach or outlook emphasizing the use of empirical reasoning† (Rosnow, Rosenthal, 2008, pg. 1). Other books or dictionary defined scientific methods as the â€Å"principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypothesis† (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, n.d.). When people think of the word â€Å"scientific,† the first thing pop into people minds is the study of the human body, geography, chemistry, biology, or even natural sciences. In human services there is also some form of scientific method demonstrate by workers. Human services worker demonstrates social science when working with clients, organizations, business, and other professional working in the same field. Human services workers used scientific method to take survey, answer questions, and conduct assessments in human services work. The scientific method provides statistic on children and elderly abusive, domestic violence, and teenage pregnancy, just to name a few. The scientific method helps human services workers find statistic or information on why children and elderly are being neglect and abusive by family members and friends. There are so much homeless veterans on the street, or even why sex-offenders are released from prisons back into society where they could harm children again. The steps involved in the process of scientific inquiries are observation, research, testable hypothesis, experiment hypothesis, analyze results, and draw conclusions. The next few paragraphs will describe the steps in the scientific inquiry. Observation provides information base on the real-world. Human service workers use social science to work on cases in the real world. The real-world provides workers with the knowledge they need, when working in the field. The information taken from the real-world is passed on to the research stage. The research stage allows case works to understand the basic information being observed. Some case workers may end-up finding the same information other workers has found already. It is the responsibility of the case workers to continue researching the information the case worker found. This process still has unanswered questions, which makes it easier to continue the research process and investigate into the information from the observation process. The next stage becomes the most vital stage in the scientific inquiries. Next the testable hypothesis is basically the background information from the research work. In, this process case workers have an opportunity to explain the observation he or her has made and ensure accurate the testing is. Some time, the information from the research data case workers collected for the experiment might be off from the hypothesis. This type of demonstration allows case workers to gain some kind of knowledge about the areas they might need to investigate more. It does not mean the first experiment is not accurate but other testing needs to be conducted. This allows case workers to make knowledgeable experiments so he or she could find answers to the questions that were unanswered. This is how case workers conduct business in the real world-by working on finding reliable and accurate understanding of the world. The fourth stage consists of conducting an experiment to test the hypothesis. This stage allows case workers to test their hypothesis to discover if the data they collected from his or her observation, research, and testable hypothesis is accurate. The steps followed according to the formula of the data for the experiment. It is important to identify the structure of the testable hypothesis. The variable from the testable hypothesis might be off so it is important to retest the experiment. Case workers take notes to determine any finding or mistakes that might happen, it is best to document the experiment so there is no repeat of the same experiment. This process ensures the data case workers collected is reliable and consistent to his or her hypothesis. One mistake could cause the whole experiment to go wrong. If the hypothesis is not constant the conclusions case workers draw from the observations, the research collected for the experiment will not have any type of meaning to the hypothesis. The next two final stages are analyzing the data and draw the conclusions. In the analyzing stage case workers data are presented, the facts are organizes, relationships are built, and the information is calculated so it could be analyzed and interpreted. In this process case workers could take the information gathered and determine if the hypothesis could be approved, rejected, or revised. After this process human services worker could start preparing his or her report and summarizing each stage for discussion. If the report is good enough the conclusions will relates to the body of the research. The report should still have room to modify any new information needed. This opens up the door to unanswered questions and leave room for additional studies. Human Services workers use the scientific method to conduct assessment and survey on domestic violence on women and children in the community. The problem here is how to conduct the necessary assessment to determine the number of women or children who are victims of domestic violence. The hypothesis should be to use the number chart with W’s representing the number of women and C’s to determine the number of children in domestic violence. The experimentation is conducted within two facilities where women and children are held. There is four associated available to help out with the experiment. Each associated will have his or her data which will be used to answer the question. The hypothesis will be tested and if additional testing is needed it will be conducted. The case workers will have an opportunity to analyze the results of the assessment. Finally the conclusion could be executed in the proper way and everyone could agree on the findings. Qualitative research is the studies in which the raw data exist in a non-numerical form (Rosnow, Rosenthal, 2008, pg. 4). Qualitative research discusses the type of research human services workers used when working in the field on different type of psychology, social sciences, and sociology cases. Quantitative research is the studies in which the raw data exist in a numerical form (Rosnow, Rosenthal, 2008, pg. 4). Quantitative research discusses the type of assessment or survey case workers used to conduct experiment. The areas are Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics human services used to determine the hypothesis and draw conclusion using the natural science tools. Both could be used in the human services field for example, in the number of domestics’ violence cases among women and children on the number chart. Using the qualitative research the study would be the age of the women and children. Using quantitative research on the number chart is the study of children taken out of their homes. It depends on the situation or case being studies to determine, which research between the qualitative and quantitative to use. The mixed method research is defined as the procedures for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data in a single study, and for analyzing and reporting this data based on a priority and sequence of the information (Creswell, 2008, pg. 552). The mixed method research demonstrates more of a complete indication of the study to any problems compared to either the qualitative and quantitative method. Mixed method research provides answers to questions and analysis statistic where qualitative and quantitative method cannot provide. An example of the mixed method research is the study of quantitative measurement to determine the impact of the treatment base on the outcomes. The qualitative part exactly comes before the experiment. Researchers collect the data to qualitative to determine the used of the design for the treatment being conducted. The fundamental of research is to determine if the information gathered is accurate enough to advance to the next stage. This process in human services work is vital because case workers the information gathered must be observe, research, test the hypothesis, perform the experiment hypothesis, and analyze the results, and finally draw a conclusion. The research method is beneficial to any human services workers or facility. The accuracy of the experiment must be strong enough to stand on its own for human services organizations to offer this type of services. Once the scientifically area shows improvement services will advance and goals of the human services organization and workers will be accomplished. References Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved December 23, 2012, from Scientific method: Rosnow, R. L., Rosenthal, R. (2008). Beginning behavioral research: A conceptual primer (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Friend. Essay Essay Example for Free

A Friend. Essay Essay The word â€Å"friend† seems to be used today to refer to anyone from long-term to short-term relationship; however a true friend is someone who will always be there in times of need, who will always be the best company, and who will always listen and give advice. Without any questions asked, a good friend will always be there in times of need. No matter how bad a problem is, a true friend will be the person who sits up nights and take days off work just to sit with a friend. If someone is in trouble with a difficult paper a friend will help brainstorm to figure out the problem. If someone is sick, a friend will be the first one at the door with chicken soup and will baby-sit the kids until the sick person feel better. I hate the feeling of being sick. If someone is stranded across town with a broken-down car, a friend will drop everything to make a rescue and drive the person wherever he or she needs to go. Not everyone has a friend like this a true friend will always be the first one there, no matter what. A friend is someone who is always great company, because friends have so much in common with each other. Imagine working out together, grabbing a sandwich, and then spending the evening just talkingabout life, about good times, about bad times, about classes at school. Friends sometimes love spending more time with each other than their own family, because is a strong bond that no one still yet understands. The company of a friend in a time of need is one of the best feelings to have and for this reason a great friend will always be with you, for better or worst. Most of all, a true friend is also someone who will listen and give reliable advice. Some people will listen to problems and then give the advice that they think will work best for them, but that advice isn’t necessarily best for their friend. Other people will listen but then interject personal stories that relate to the problem button’s solve it. But a true friend listens to a problem and gives suggestions to help a friend figure out the best solution for himself or herself, In other words, a true friend knows how to listen and help a person solve problems. Right now my classes are really hard. At the end of the day, friends might rent their favorite DVD and make some fresh popcorn. Sometimes they even seem to be on the same biological clock, getting tired and waking up at the same time. Friends can always be themselves around each other. The word â€Å"friend† may be misused in the English language, but at least we can agree on what true friends are. True friends are hard to find. But once you find them, they will always be there, listen to you and be the best people to spend time with. No wonder true friends are so rare! Outline I. Introductory Paragraph A. Thesis Statement 1. The word Friend use today to name anyone 2. True Friend always there when in need and for company 3. Good friend always listens and gives advice II. A good friend will be there in time of need. (1st paragraph) III. A true friend is always good company. (2nd paragraph) IV. A friend will listen and give advice.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Katharina Reiss Text Typology

Katharina Reiss Text Typology Reiss translation-oriented text-typology provides a systematic approach to translation. More interestingly, it approaches translation at the text level. This essay will examine Reiss typology with focus on Parting the Waters, published in National Geographic, a monthly magazine that borders on science, geography, history and culture. REISS TEXT-TYPOLOGY Reiss sees translation as an act of communication whereby the translator acts as a medium (secondary sender). This presupposes that a message has to be passed across, from the primary sender (source text) to the secondary receiver (target text). The major media are the source language and the target language. The aim here is to produce a target language text that is functionally equivalent to the source language text (Reiss 1971:160). This means the source text should be the consultative point for the translator. In order to achieve this functional equivalence, Reiss proposes a functional approach of text-typology. This approach takes into account the communicative functions of a source text as a basis for translating into the target text. In other words, a target text that does not have the same function as the source text is not entirely a translation, but what Reiss calls transfer (ref here). Reiss text-typology includes a two-phase approach in translating a text: Phase of analysi s and phase of reverbalization. The analysis phase basically involves establishing the text type, genre and style (linguistic form).The phase of analysis is the most important as that is what would inform the translation method to employ. Text-type of Parting the Waters Reiss identifies three text-types according to their communicative function namely: the informative type (communication of content), the expressive type (communication of artistically organised content) and the operative type (communication of content with a persuasive character). There is another hyper-type which she calls the audio-medial text type. This is more of a super-ordinate term for the other three and does not concern the text in question since it is a written text. Parting the Waters can be seen chiefly as an informative text type; first given the context of the text: magazine and second because it gives factual information about a place: Korea, and the geographical events that take place there. The translation strategy recommended in this case by Reiss should thus focus on conveying content. Text variety (genre) of Parting the Waters This stage has to do with the conventions of structure and language adopted by the text. However, Reiss explains that they may differ according to different cultures. The importance of this is to be able to find a functionally equivalent convention in the target text culture. In this light, Parting the Waters is a kind of popular scientific text. This suggests also that it seeks a wider audience other than scientists. This leads to the final stage of analysis: style. Style in Parting the Waters The final stage of analysis has to do with detailed semantic, syntactic and pragmatic analysis of the language use (Reiss 1971:166). Ordinarily, one would expect that when a text is an informative type, even the language used should be such that it is aimed only at giving facts. But that is often not the case, as Reiss herself admits not in one single language do form and function show a 1:1 relation (166). Hence, looking at the text, one would find a similar occurrence. The text has expressive language such as the internal rhymes: tides, divine, divide; of 15 feet. There is also an allusion to a biblical story: not divine interventions, an expression that answers the presupposition in the title itself Parting the Waters. Reiss thus considers this stage of analysis the most important, as the translator is faced with a decisive battle on what would inform the translation: the language or the function of the text. At this point, Reiss posits that if using an equivalent language style m ay weigh on the content of the text, then the translator should stick to the predominant function of the text. Translating Parting the Waters to Yorà ¹bà ¡: limitations Taking into consideration the content-focused function of the text, the translator is expected to employ a method that would achieve the same function as that of the target text by translating according to the sense and meaning (Reiss 1971:167). This suggests that the meaning conveyed by the target text should be equivalent to the meaning in the source text. For this to be achieved, Reiss adds that what is conveyed implicitly in the SL text should be explicated in the TL and vice versa (167). Being a popular science text, and specifically about geography, Parting the Waters has terms such as peninsula, southwestern, mile, width, feet, and spring. While some of them might have some kind of equivalence (i.e. peninsula, mile width) in , a climatic description like spring poses a problem because Yorà ¹bà ¡ neither has a word nor group of words for it. This is basically due to the different weather conditions. The question is: what should the translator convey here? This is important be cause spring as used in the text plays a major role in the content; by telling us when an event takes place. The only alternative here would be to replace the word with the time of the year this season happens in Korea. The problem with this is that it might change the meaning, as the sense of season is different from the calendar year. This aspect of the translation problem seems to call on Nidas gloss translation of formal equivalence, that is, the use of footnotes in order to make the text fully comprehensible (Nida 1964:129). What this means is that Reiss method is not sufficient to solve this translation problem. In talking about divine interventions, the text makes allusion to a biblical story about the Red Sea. This could be because the author had a target audience in mind and presumes they know about the story in the Bible. Although this can also be linked to the use of expressive language, it is however difficult to ignore the fact that this type of language use plays a role in the text- to maintain the interest of the reader. If the original audience for the source text were scientists, there is doubt as to whether expressive language would have been used at all, since all that would be needed are facts. The question is whether or not to include it in the translation. The answer to this is dependent on another question: who are the audience? Sacrificing the expressive form might change the text to an entirely scientific or historic one. This means a different readership, as it may not appeal to a common reader. The problem here is that Reiss method overlooks the fact there is an addresse e for even an informative text type. She acknowledges this only in the text variety stage. Communication itself is not complete without a receiver, in this case the audience. The title, Parting the Waters, also draws attention. It first makes the reader think of the biblical story of the red sea, and then makes a reader assume that is what the text is about. But this effect can only be achieved based on a shared knowledge between the author and the reader about the biblical story of the Red Sea. This assumption too must have been informed by the fact that the author had an audience in mind. However, the author quickly attends to this curiosity and possible misconception by the following opening sentence Tides, not divine interventions, divide Unfortunately, the target language (Yorà ¹bà ¡) audience is a mixture of different religions. In this text the title performs an expressive function, but that is not to say its predominant function is expressive. Since it is an informative text, one would expect again that the title would be informed by the major content being conveyed. But this is not the case. Moreover, attractive titles seem to be a common featu re of this genre. This is also a common feature of Yorà ¹bà ¡ magazines (ref here). The question here is: since content is the aim, should the target title be informed by the content alone and leave the use of expressive language? This of course is possible, as Reiss already advises on ignoring such language use especially if it will weigh on the content. The translation can simply have à pa-Õnà   Ã’kun Korea which means The Path between Korean Waters. The consequence of this however is that it might not appeal to the wider audience except a few, specialists. This brings up again the question: who are the audience? Reiss considers this an appropriate factor only when the function of the target text is different from the source text (Reiss 1971:170). What her typology fails to recognise is that both source and target texts can have the same function (as in the case of Parting the Waters) but different addressees. CONCLUSION While Reiss translation-oriented text-typology provides a systematic method of approaching a translation task, it does not provide a complete solution for some problems in English to Yorà ¹bà ¡ translation of Parting the Waters. This suggests that it is not absolute that a text function will provide a translation strategy. Fawcett (1997: 107) makes this same point: There is simply no necessary link between text function and translation strategy. Just because we have identified a text functiondoes not mean that we are led inexorably to any logical or translation-scientific imperative to take this function as an overriding parameter to which we subordinate our translation decisions. This further suggests that other translation theories are valid and useful to the extent to which they proffer a solution to a translation problem.

Measure for Measure Essay: The Bed Trick -- Measure for Measure

The Bed Trick in Measure for Measure      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Critics have referred to the concept of Mariana taking Isabella's place in Angelo's bed "the bed trick."   This plan of the Duke's, which is supposed to save Isabella, Claudio, and Mariana, appears to be almost corrupt and shameful, and is one of the reasons scholars consider Measure for Measure a problem play.   What exactly is going on here with all of these characters?   It seems almost uncharacteristic of the sweet, naà ¯ve, virginal Isabella to condone another performing such an act in her place.   Isabella is, in a sense, asking Mariana to perform the very act which she has not only been avoiding, but that she is disgusted by.   The fact that Isabella would accept the Duke's plan without question, which she does, has caused critics to question how saintly she actually is.   The Duke has also been criticized for conducting and carrying out his plan.   After all, he is the Duke, and he could have stopped Angelo and saved Mariana from having to sacr ifice herself if he would have simply removed his disguise.   It seems to be odd that a character the audience is expected to revere would not try to solve this problem by a more respectable, and much more simple, solution.   Mariana has also been criticized for accepting her part in the action, because she is the character who commits the sin.   Hence, the deception presented by these three "good" characters in the play is almost as corrupt as Angelo's deception.   Why would Shakespeare do this?   It appears that perhaps Shakespeare wanted to make all of his characters appear human.   Angelo depicts a "holier-than-thou" persona and eventually falls because of it, Isabella is portrayed as a saintly virgin but here the audience sees she is also falli... ...elow: This forenamed maid hath yet in her the continuance of her first affection.   His unjust unkindness, that in all reason should have quenched her love, hath, like an impediment in the current, made it more violent and unruly.   Go you to Angelo; answer his requiring with a plausible obedience; agree with his demands to the point; only refer yourself to this advantage, first, that your stay with him may not be long; that the time may have all shadow and sicken in it and the place answer to convenience.   This being granted in course-and now follows all-we shall advise this wronged maid to stead up your appointment, go in your place.   If the encounter acknowledge itself hereafter, it may compel him to her recompense; and here, ,by this, is your brother saved, your honor untainted, the poor Mariana advantaged, and the corrupt deputy scaled.   [III.iii.265-293].

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

When operating a business it is essential that a business analyses where it stand in a market in the present moment as they are then able to grasp at possible enhancements which could be made in order to successfully improve their products or services. It is also important that a business is able keep up with today’s always changing laws and legislations which through the use of the information they are able to adjust to such changes. SWOT analysis is a method used by organisations to help them analysis, evaluate and take into account different factors within and outside the organisations which can have an influence on their product. SWOT stands for Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It enables businesses to clearly form a logical point of view on a products marketing state. For instance using my business plan to re-launch the Zune I can see that the strength and weaknesses of the business would be factors that are internal such as cost production, quality and pricing. While the opportunities and threats would be the external relating to factors such as competitors, audience, trends and politics. The table below illustrates how SWOT would apply to my business plan: Strength (Internal) The strengths are the advantages that the company has which enable it to operate with little or no problems. In the case of Microsoft one advantage is that it has been in the market for a long time and has a wide experience in marketing. Its reputation is also another strength as it is a well known brand name therefore customers are more likely to prefer their products as they will expect a high quality product. The main strength that Microsoft has is its financial position since the company is worth billions of pounds, this will... ...control in the short-run a good example being minimum wage in the UK which the company has no control over, however the company can respond to that change by shifting its major operations in UK to a country like China where minimum wages are not as high compared to the UK wage regulations. That response would help reduce production cost. Boston matrix helped businesses in assessing when to invest largely in prolonging their products for example at a star category more funds are needed to remain in the market where both market share and market growth are at their peak. If not properly checked it could fall into the cow cash category. It is also found that the product life cycle concept assist businesses in knowing at what stage the product stands. Therefore the firm is able to know when to invest in order to extend product’s life or rather to avoid decline stage.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The History of Capitalism Essay -- Essays Papers

The History of Capitalism Capitalism is based on the same principles as mercantilism. The accumulation of means, materials, land and other things, this accumulation is called capital and â€Å"the property-owners of these means of production are called capitalists† (Hooker 2). Productive labor, human work that is necessary to make goods and distribute them, takes the form of wage labor. â€Å"The means of production and labor is manipulated by the capitalist using rational calculation in order to realize a profit† (Hooker 2). Mercantilism is the earliest form of capitalism. Mercantilism can be simply defined as the allotment of trading goods for profit. Rome is credited with the first formation of a mercantile society. As the Rome Empire expanded, mercantilism expanded with it, spreading into the Middle East and Western Europe. Due the localizing nature of European economies this enabled mercantilism to expand and was not part of the European culture. Thus by the fifteenth century, when the Roman Empire began to retrench so did mercantilism (â€Å"Hooker†). In contrast to Europe, the Arabic economies grew around a thieving mercantilism. They lived on trade routes between three magnificent empires: Egypt, Persia and soon after the Byzantium, and they found that stealing products, then selling them, to be very lucrative. Thieving mercantilism spread swiftly through Spain, Asia, Middle East, and Northern Africa, where â€Å"Arabic mercantilism assumed an unprecedented global character† (Hooker 1). During the Medieval Age is when the European culture expanded its mercantilism, taking trading to lands far beyond its shores. From the 1300’s onwards, the Europeans would push â€Å"their mercantile practices† forward, (Hooker 1) causing social up... ...ural production of human nature. Of all the economic systems tried to date, Capitalism appears to be the only system that has endured many tests, and has grown to dominate the world. The fact that communism in Russia failed during the 1980 and 1990’s proves that capitalism is the outcome of human nature. Capitalism conforms to the natural laws and conditions of humanity and that anything that falls out of these conditions can only brings misery (â€Å"Wood†). Works Cited - Kan, Fang et al. An Economic History of the Major Capitalist Counties. New York: East Gate, 1992. - Hooker, Richard. â€Å"Capitalism†. The European Enlightenment Glossary. 1996. 8 Nov 2004. - Wood, Ellen Meiksins. The Origins of Capitalism. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1999. Wood, Ellen Meiksins. The Origins of Capitalism. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1999. The History of Capitalism Essay -- Essays Papers The History of Capitalism Capitalism is based on the same principles as mercantilism. The accumulation of means, materials, land and other things, this accumulation is called capital and â€Å"the property-owners of these means of production are called capitalists† (Hooker 2). Productive labor, human work that is necessary to make goods and distribute them, takes the form of wage labor. â€Å"The means of production and labor is manipulated by the capitalist using rational calculation in order to realize a profit† (Hooker 2). Mercantilism is the earliest form of capitalism. Mercantilism can be simply defined as the allotment of trading goods for profit. Rome is credited with the first formation of a mercantile society. As the Rome Empire expanded, mercantilism expanded with it, spreading into the Middle East and Western Europe. Due the localizing nature of European economies this enabled mercantilism to expand and was not part of the European culture. Thus by the fifteenth century, when the Roman Empire began to retrench so did mercantilism (â€Å"Hooker†). In contrast to Europe, the Arabic economies grew around a thieving mercantilism. They lived on trade routes between three magnificent empires: Egypt, Persia and soon after the Byzantium, and they found that stealing products, then selling them, to be very lucrative. Thieving mercantilism spread swiftly through Spain, Asia, Middle East, and Northern Africa, where â€Å"Arabic mercantilism assumed an unprecedented global character† (Hooker 1). During the Medieval Age is when the European culture expanded its mercantilism, taking trading to lands far beyond its shores. From the 1300’s onwards, the Europeans would push â€Å"their mercantile practices† forward, (Hooker 1) causing social up... ...ural production of human nature. Of all the economic systems tried to date, Capitalism appears to be the only system that has endured many tests, and has grown to dominate the world. The fact that communism in Russia failed during the 1980 and 1990’s proves that capitalism is the outcome of human nature. Capitalism conforms to the natural laws and conditions of humanity and that anything that falls out of these conditions can only brings misery (â€Å"Wood†). Works Cited - Kan, Fang et al. An Economic History of the Major Capitalist Counties. New York: East Gate, 1992. - Hooker, Richard. â€Å"Capitalism†. The European Enlightenment Glossary. 1996. 8 Nov 2004. - Wood, Ellen Meiksins. The Origins of Capitalism. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1999. Wood, Ellen Meiksins. The Origins of Capitalism. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1999.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Neo-malthusian theory Essay

â€Å" Explain the neo-malthusian theory with relevance to the current world situation† The term neo-Malthusianism was first used in 1877 by Dr. Samuel Van Houten, one of the vice- presidents of the Malthusian League. Neo-Malthusian theory is derived from Thomas Malthus’ proposition that limited resources keep populations in check and reduce economic growth. Neo- Malthusianism was not just a campaign in favour of birth control; it was particular perspective on the effects of population on human conduct and behaviour. It tried to justify the growing impoverishment of working people by pseudo-scientific theories of â€Å"absolute over-population, and diminishing returns on the soil†. The neo-Malthusian movement therefore was different from conventional Malthusian position on two counts: it stressed on birth control methods and also identified the working class with the problem of overpopulation. The overcrowded industrial slums were identified as sites of moral deg eneration. However, some key facts on the neo-malthusian perspective must be identified. They believe that everyone can contribute to society, secondly, population increases geometrically and food supply/ subsistence increases arithmetically. Also, they advocated race discrimination and thought that Birth Control, war epidemics are used to promote capitalism and alleviate misery of the masses. In contemporary societies today, it can be observed that there is an existent division of people, whether it may the rich or the poor, financially stable or financially unstable, or most commonly known, The Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat, as mentioned by Karl Marx. Neo-Malthusians strongly believe that all the individuals in society can contribute to society no matter the division and which class they may fit in ( upper or lower class). They did not specifically measure the amount of contributions that each class were able to present but mainly focused on how the contributions of one class was beneficial to the other, (lower to upper), Marx would however argue that the Bourgeoisie only engage in such activities as it is more beneficial to them and it only helps exploit the Proletariat. It can be observed in society today, that the proletariat are exploited through a term called alienation, this is where the proletariat are cut off from consuming the goods they produced. For e.g. sweat shops in China, proletariat are forced to produce goods/services for little to almost no income and after the good has been  produced they are unable to obtain it as it is too pricy. It must be noted that there has been change in society today, as some individuals of the lower class are able to experience upward social mobility, and thus this reinforces the neo-malthusians suggestion that everyone can contribute to society, not only to the benefit of the capitalists but to the proletariat themselves. As it pertains to the population and food supply it can be observed that in societies today, 3rd world societies to be specific, the food supply to population ratio is quite uneven. The Neo-Malthusians, who agree with Malthus, would not only argue that this is due to the population growing at a faster rate than the food supply but this is due to the drainage of resources. As it known, that the world has limited resources, and they would argue that these limited resources help keep population in check. They state that population increases geometrically and food supply/ subsistence increases arithmetically. Subsistence in this instance may be defined as â€Å"just enough† for human survival. As it pertains to the process where resources become exhausted, it can be noted that in many third world countries of the Caribbean (Antigua, Dominica) , Agriculture is used as a major source of income, however due it being done over and over the soil is ripped of it nutrients which is needed to help grow various crops. Even some simple resources are becoming scarce to societies today. For e.g the current situation in Antigua and Barbuda, where the population there are currently experiencing a shortage of portable water even though water by itself is there in abundance. Even though they have the technology to produce such resources they are in no economic position to maintain the technology. However, critics may argue that there are mechanisms put in place to help sustain goods(food). Namely, the increase in prices of various products (inflation), they would state that this could cause indivi duals of the population to purchase/consume smaller quantities of different goods and would therefore cause the ratio of population growth and food supply to turn towards a more even figure. However, the neo-Malthusians may however argue that this doesn’t help the problem of excess population growth since the individuals who produce most of the population (lower class) would not be able to afford these goods. The socialists consistently maintained that the hue and cry over population was a way to divert the focus from the core issues of inequality and class struggle. For the socialists, the real issue  was unequal access to resources than rising population. According to them, there was enough for everyone, provided resources are shared equally. The problem lay in the lack of equal distribution, with the bourgeois and the propertied class unwilling to give up the large share of resources under their control. As noted The neo-Malthusian movement was different from conventional Malthusian position on two counts: it stressed on birth control methods and also identified the working class with the problem of overpopulation. The overcrowded industrial slums were identi fied as sites of moral degeneration. This diverted the debate on population from issues of poverty and unequal access to resources, to birth control per se. In fact, the assumption was that access to commons or availability of resources would give the poor little reason to abstain from having more children. Neo- Malthusianism thereby reinforced the ideology of private property, individualism and capitalism. The neo-Malthusian position found favour with the elite sentiments on the issue of overpopulation. The elite, threatened by the growing numbers of commoners, considered birth control as an important means of checking future conflict over their property. It can be observed that such an argument is true, as in societies today, many individuals seek to install security systems on their homes, cars and other fixed assets, these individuals are usually members of the upper class. They do this as a means to try to prevent members of the proletariat from obtaining their assets. Theft is a common issue in most societies today, one problem can also lead to another, theft to homicide. All of which are blamed on the proletariat as they are unable to provide for their families after they engage in mass reproduction. For example, in third world countries today it is usually children of the poor that drop out of school at an early age that engage in violent activities and are usually beggars at th e side of the street. Paul Ehrlich is a very vocal and prominent neo-malthusian. He wrote the book â€Å"Population Bomb† which warned us of a coming mass starvation because of over-population and pushed population control (abortion and birth control). He encouraged government intervention into the population issue. Lastly the Neo-Malthusians advocated race discrimination, it can be observed in societies today that there is not only a division of class, but also of race and color (Black and White). This may have stemmed from slavery however and is still present in society today. It is usually the blacks who partake  in agriculture and hard labor work while the whites who are in the offices and even though their work may not be as hard they still gain higher incomes. No need to debate as the top three richest individuals in the world today are White. In conclusion, it can be observed that the neo-malthusian theory follows Mathus’ theory that the world’s resources will not be able to support the population at a certain point, and the populati on will turn to chaos, finally resulting in extinction of humans. It indicates a correlation between food and population growth, and lastly they saw abortion and birth control as a way to slow this decreasing resource that the future holds.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Metamorphosis” and “A Rose for Emily Essay

The tone, setting, and characters of Franz Kafka’s â€Å"The metamorphosis† can be seen as similar to those aspects in William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily. † In both of these stories, there are two different people who are living their lives very much alike, and they both die all alone. The tone of â€Å"Metamorphosis† is similar to the tone of â€Å"A Rose for Emily. †Gregor and Miss Emily are both isolated and alienated. The narrator says that Gregor has an â€Å"exhausting profession† as a traveling salesman. Gregor rides on a train all of the time for his work. He meets new people, but he has no affection for them. Gregor does not spend a lot of time with his family. The narrator is showing that Gregor is isolated and feels alienated from his family because he is working all the time to support his family. The narrator shows this by the other salesmen that Gregor sees at the â€Å"pension† having breakfast. Gregor states that he would â€Å"like to see what would happen if he were to try that out with his director sometime. † The narrator is implying that Gregor wants to be like the other salesman but he cannot because his boss would not allow it. Gregor always keeps his door locked whether he is traveling or at home. The narrator states, that Gregor uses â€Å"precaution† by â€Å"locking every door at night,† regardless if he is at â€Å"home or traveling. † The narrator says that Gregor’s father gave him a â€Å"truly liberating kick† back into his room and â€Å"Battered shut† the door with his cane. â€Å"Raindrops could be heard plunking against the tin window-ledges made Gregor quite melancholy. † The word â€Å"melancholy† denotes sadness or depression of sprits; gloom. Then when he wakes up as a cockroach, he is locked in his room. Gregor is isolated from his dad, mom, and sister Grete because they locked him in his bedroom at the end of the story. Miss Emily chooses to isolate herself from the townspeople by shutting her door and not let anyone in for long â€Å"periods of time. † She is alienated because her father was so strict about whom she could date, and this affected her as she got older. The narrator states, â€Å"We remember all the young men her father had driven away, and we knew that with nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her, as people will. † The narrator says, â€Å"And that was the last we saw of Miss Emily for some time. The Negro man went in and out with the market basket, but the front door remained closed. Now and then we would see her at a window for a moment, as the men did that night when they sprinkled the lime, but for almost six months she did not appear on the streets. † The narrator states that the townspeople expected this of Miss Emily by saying, â€Å"Then we knew that this was to be expected too; as if that quality of her father which had thwarted her woman’s life so many times had been too virulent and too furious to die. † The townspeople isolate Miss Emily because she dates Homer Barron, a Yankee who is a day laborer. The narrator says, â€Å"Poor Emily, she carried her head high enough-even when we believed that she was fallen. It was as if she demanded more than ever the recognition of her dignity as the last Grierson; as if it had wanted that touch of earthiness to reaffirm her imperviousness. † The narrator is saying that Miss Emily, being of a prominent family, has behavior that is abnormal for southern people, and that she is â€Å"reaffirm her imperviousness. † The denotation of â€Å"imperviousness† is not capable of being affected or disturbed. The narrator is saying that Miss Emily is not affected by what the townspeople think of her. In reality, she is affected by this because she isolates herself from the townspeople. The setting of â€Å"The Metamorphosis† is similar to the setting of â€Å"A Rose for Emily. † Kafka describes the setting in â€Å"The Metamorphosis† as most of the action takes place in Gregor’s bedroom. Gregor lives with his father, mother and sister in a large apartment in the city. From Gregor’s bedroom window he sees a busy street and a hospital across the street. But as the story goes on, his vision gets â€Å"fuzzier,† he might think that he lives in a â€Å"wasteland where the grey sky merges indistinguishably with the grey earth. † The narrator states that Gregor’s bedroom is dirty and dusty. No one goes in and cleans it anymore after the family locks Gregor in his room the last time. Then he dies there in his bedroom all alone. At the end of the story Gregor’s father, mother and sister take a carriage out to the country and the sun is shining brightly. In the story of â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† the narrator describes the setting taking place at Miss Emily’s â€Å"big, squarish framed house† that sets on a â€Å"select street† in Jefferson. The outside of the house is â€Å"decorated with cupolas, spires and scrolled balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies. †There was opening to a cellar where the â€Å"Board of Aldermen;† there are four them, they sprinkle lime to take care of the â€Å"smell of the house† after Miss Emily’s father died. The house is old and run down; for this reason, the narrator calls it is an â€Å"eyesore, among eyesores. † Unlike Gregor, the townspeople gave Miss Emily a funeral, which takes place at her house. The narrator states that the â€Å"funeral on the second day, with the town coming to look at Miss Emily beneath a mass of bought flowers, with the crayon face of her father† a picture she had painted about the bier and â€Å"the ladies sibilant and macabre: and the very old men-some in their brushed Confederate uniforms-on the porch and the law, talking of Miss Emily as if she had been a contemporary of theirs, believing that they had danced with her and courted her perhaps confusing time with it mathematical progression, as the old do to who all the past is not a diminishing road, but instead a hug meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divide from them now by the narrow bottleneck of the most recent decade of years. † The narrator states that there is â€Å"one room upstairs which no one had seen in forty year,† and which would have to be forced open. They waited until Miss Emily was in the ground before opening the room upstairs. This room was like a â₠¬Å"tomb† just like Gregor’s bedroom that he died in. The narrator describes the room as it is filled with â€Å"pervading dust. A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal. † Then the narrator says that they found a â€Å"man himself lay in the bed† and â€Å"what was left of him, rotted beneath what, was left of the nightshirt. † Then they â€Å"notice on the second pillow was the indentation of a head† and â€Å"a long strand of iron-gray hair. † The character of Gregor in â€Å"The Metamorphosis† is similar to the character of Miss Emily in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† because they are both isolated, both don’t communicate, and both die alone. The narrator states at the beginning of the story, Gregor is busy working all the time as traveling salesman, to support the family. Because of his work he does not communicate with his family. He is also isolated because; he wakes up as cockroach, He doesn’t speak human language now so he can’t communicate with his family or work. The narrator explains if Gregor â€Å"had been able to speak to his sister and to thank her for everything she had to do for him, he would have found it a little easier to submit to her ministration; but, as it was, he suffered from them. † He is also, isolated because his family keeps driving him back into his room. The narrator illustrates this in the beginning of the story by â€Å"his father was moving forward implacably, emitting hissing sounds like a savage. Gregor had no practice in moving backwards, and he was moving, it had to be said, extremely slowly. If he had been able to turn round, he would have been back in his room in little or no time, but he was afraid lest the delay incurred in turning around would make his father impatient. And at any monument the stick in his father’s hand threatened to strike him a fatal blow to the back of the head. † Miss Emily is isolated likewise, she very seldom goes out of her house, and the townspeople rarely come to visit Miss Emily and she does talk to them at times. The narrator states, â€Å"From that time on her front door remained closed, save for a period of six or seven years, when she was about forty, during which she gave lessons in china painting. Gregor and Miss Emily both die alone. Gregor at the end of the story; comes out of his room for the last time, scares all the people there. Now he feels bad for what he did, and he returns back to his bedroom. He has not eaten for days now and he lays there on the floor and dies all alone. The narrator points this out by saying, â€Å"He remained in this condition of empty and peaceful reflection until the church clock struck three a. m. The last thing he saw was the sky gradually lightening outside his window. Then his head involuntarily dropped, and his final breath passed feebly from his nostrils. † Miss Emily dies alone in alike manner as Gregor did. The narrator indicates this in the beginning of the story and he says, â€Å"The women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old man-servant-a combined gardener and cook-had seen in at least ten years. † Therefore, in the story of â€Å"The Metamorphosis† Kafka demonstrates a sad story of how a man became a cockroach for no known reason. He demonstrations how badly his family treated him after he became a cockroach. Now his family alienated and isolated him by locking him into his room and leaving him to die all alone. Then, they took a trip out to see the county because they did not have the burden of Gregor anymore. This is like they were celebrating his death. How strange is that? In the story of â€Å"A Rose for Emily† Faulkner demonstrations a sad story of how a southern woman’s raising by a strict father causes her to be alienated for the rest of her life. He shows this by going back and forth in time with how the townspeople isolated and alienated Miss Emily at different stages of life. Then when she dies all alone, the townspeople are there because they want to look at the room, which had been locked up for about forty years. Faulkner leaves the townspeople with the thought that Miss Emily had been laying in the bed with a corpse and with her irony-gray hair left for them to see. How crazy is that to lay in the bed with a corpse?

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Erich Maria Remarque Essay

â€Å"If you tell the truth, you won’t have to remember anything† (Mark Twain). Throughout my life I have come to recognize many truths. Sometimes I would tell the truth and sometimes I would lie, but when I lied I didn’t always get away with it. Although I do lie about some things and get away with it, I still feel bad about doing it. Throughout my life, Algernon and Jack’s false identities, Father Hooper’s sacrifices, Dr. Heidegger’s experiments, Eldorado’s disappointing truth, and Paul’s journey, we are awaken with the truth. The theme of truth has been revolving around all our first quarter readings. In the poem Eldorado by Edgar Allan Poe, a knight is on a journey to find this joyful land, called Eldorado. The knight continues to search for Eldorado, but he knows he has failed. But he keeps searching, and even though, in his mind, he knows that Eldorado is a fictional place, in his heart he still believes it’s real. The knight in Eldorado recognizes a fairly disappointing truth, that Eldorado is a nonexistent place. â€Å"But he grew old-this knight so bold-and o’er his heart a shadow fell as he found no spot of ground that looked like Eldorado† (Poe 305). This quote illustrates how the knight realizes there is no Eldorado. Another example of the recognition of truth is in All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, when Paul Baumer realizes the truth about war, and how it really destroys people, physically and mentally. â€Å"I am young, I am twenty years old; yet I know nothing of life but despair, death, fear, and fatuous superficiality cast over an abyss of sorrow. I see how peoples are set against one another, and in silence, unknowingly, foolishly, obediently, innocently slay one another† (Remarque 263). This quote signifies that Paul is very young and that all he knows is death, fear, and despair, and it is because of the war. The war had destroyed him and made Paul a different person. Throughout my life I have come to recognize many truths, but one major one is that nothing in this world is free, even if it doesn’t cost any money, because it still requires work. Nowadays everyone wants to buy the new technology being created, and it has been like this for many years. They also want to buy the clothing that is popular and very expensive. But, neither of the two are free, and they both cost money and both take time to get. I realized this when I was about 8 years old. I would still ask for a lot of things, even though I knew whatever I was asking cost a lot of money, and it was just because everyone else had it. However, when you grow older, you come to recognize that nothing is free and that you have to work for everything. Another important truth that I have come to recognize is that revenge is insignificant and for the irresponsible. When someone does something to you that is cruel or hurtful, you are going to want to get revenge on them, and that’s just how every human being is. I learned that revenge was unimportant a few years ago. My brother told on me for something I did, and I got in a lot of trouble. I was grounded for one week, and that made me furious. So I decided to get revenge on my brother. In the end, when I tried to get revenge, I ended up in more trouble and was grounded for even longer. This has happened to me many times, and I have come to realize that revenge is insignificant, it just makes everything worse. A third, and final, significant truth that I have come to recognize is that everyone will die someday. No matter how old or how young you are, you won’t be alive forever, which is just how life is. So everyone must live their life to the fullest and go out and do things. Don’t kill time, because killing time is priceless, and will never grow back, so why do it. Many people have lists of what they wish to do throughout their lifetime, which is amazing, because these people to realize the fact that they won’t be here one day. I have recognized this truth and am taking it as an advantage, and so should everyone else. Everything is revolved around the truth, whether it’s in your life or in a book you read. However, not many people recognize these truths in life. Once they do, they will be taught remarkable life lessons that will help them out in life. Throughout our lives, I, as well as the characters in the books we have read, have come to recognize many truths about life, which have helped us come to discover many things. Many people should need to start recognizing the truths in their lives, as I did, and it will benefit them in the long run. Works Cited BrainyQuote. Xplore, n. d. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. Holt Elements of Literature. Fifth Course. Essentials of American Literature. Orlando, FL. : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2007. Print. Remarque, Erich Maria, and A. W. Wheen. All Quiet on the Western Front;. Boston: Little, Brown, and, 1929. Print.

Monetary policy

However, share of total employment is still low due to the fact that numbers of Australians work in the services sector. The rate of unemployment rate was also misleading due to the assumption of that paid work of one hour a week means the persons is classified as â€Å"employed† (Henry Thornton, 2013 ). Employment in manufacturing has been declining dramatically (Appendix 10) and the total number of manufacturing Job losses under the Rued and Gaillardia Governments to 143,300. (Sophie Memorable, 2012) Besides, the high exchange rate of Australia due to mining boom make the export sees competitive and make it costly for foreign company to purchase.The industry other than mining such as manufacturing, tourism and overseas enrolment in Australia has experienced significantly reduced in export income. There's an analysis from the Australia Institute that state out the country's farmers have lost $43. 5 billion in export income since the mining boom pushed the Australian dollar to historic highs, suffering a 41 per cent drop in export earnings since the boom began (The Australian Institute, 2013). The manufacturing index slumped 6. 9 points 40. 3, the stakes reading since June 2009 and fifth drop in six months (SMS, 2012).A depreciation of ADD is likely to put upward pressure on the rate of inflation. A lower dollar increases the price paid on imports, leading to an increase in imported inflation. The mining boom which is cooling has contributed to the depreciated ADD and caused Australia in a dangerous position and struggling and expecting a recession (Henry Thornton, 2013). Implication for Monetary and Fiscal Policy The Australian Dollar has rising over decades not only because of economic boom, but also thank to the effort of Australian government on monetary policy.During Global Financial Crisis, many countries all around the world has suffered in economic growth. However, Australia has done pretty well and has indirectly contribute to the rising of ADD. This is due to ARAB significantly increased of Aggregate Exchange Settlement (SE) balances to a peak of $1 Billion, which usually runs at $1 billion. As the economy enters a â€Å"Systemic Liquidity Stage,† the central banks become the â€Å"lender of last resort† (LOUR), this provided banks liquidity to support themselves in a period of tough financial condition (Varian Chafer, 2009).Over the course of the cuisines cycle, the ARAB continually tighten and loosen monetary policy in order to prevent inflation spilling over it's 2-3% average target range. (Appendix 11). The inflation target is the main guide for monetary policy decisions, and achieving that goal takes priority over other goals. The reason why Australia government want to keep inflation rate low is to stabilize the real income, drive up the economy and enhance country's competitiveness (RUG Barron, 2013). In terms of fiscal policy, government under Gaillardia has failed to perform it well.Competitiveness of Australia's on-mining sectors has slumping due to high company income tax (30%) as compared to other Asian competitor, for example, Singapore (15%) and government did not spent money wisely on infrastructure which would attract investor. In my own opinion, Australians new government under Tony Abbott should cut down the taxes from income. The action mentioned earlier can boost up the amount of the participation of labor force in Australia. When the worker knows that they are going to have a great earning on their real income, more of them are willing to come out to work in different industry.Appendix 12 shows increased in labor supply (supply rev moves to right) when there's tax cut. This is following by the increase in Real Gross Domestic Product. When more labor is involve in an industry, more output is produced and leads to increase in GAP Appendix 13. Besides, government should spend more on infrastructure, introducing new technology facilitating investment to attract the inv estor from foreign country to invest in Australia to increase Aggregate supply and contributes to higher GAP. Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Appendix 10 Appendix 1 Appendix 12 Appendix 13 Monetary Policy 2. Some economists suspect that one of the reasons that economies in developing countries grow so slowly is that they do not have well-developed financial markets. Does this argument make sense? Yes it does make sense since the financial markets have a big role in a country’s economy and has a greater affect on it if it’s working well or not (channeling the funds to people who will use them efficiently and productively).When a country works its financial markets in an efficient way (having the right investments, having enough money supply to better develop the country with its education, health, and infrastructure, and also enough to give for entrepreneurs to help develop the country, etc. ) it will defiantly affect the country positively and result in having a faster developing country. 4. If you suspect that a company will go bankrupt next year, which would you rather hold, bonds issued by the company or equities issued by the company? Why?I would rather hold bonds th an equities because a company will pay whatever left of their assets to their bondholders before their shareholders since bonds are forms of debt; therefor bondholders have claim on a company’s assets before shareholders (owners). 11. How can the adverse selection problem explain why you are more likely to make a loan to a family member than to a stranger? Adverse selection is the problem created by asymmetric information (when one party doesn’t have enough information about the other party to make an accurate decision) before the transaction of a loan occurs.So making a loan with a family member is better, or most likely to occur, rather than with a stranger because one will have more information available (knowing their honesty, risk tolerance and more, and also easier contact) with a family member than a stranger, which will help him/her (the lender) avoid the adverse selection problem. 16. â€Å"In a world without information costs and transaction costs, financial intermediaries would not exist† Is this statement true, false, or uncertain? Explain your answer. Uncertain.Information costs and transaction costs are two of the main reasons why financial intermediaries exist, so if these two costs fall, people will lend and borrow at zero cost and so they won’t be needing any financial intermediary. Nonetheless, financial intermediaries do have other functions such as enhancing individual and national income through interest or dividend on the lender’s surplus fund. Enhancing the GDP of a country through using the funds in a more productive way. They create capital for the country through the savings flow they receive.They help determine the price of traded financial assets through buyers and sellers, and based on the demand and supply. They also provide a sign for the allocation of funds. And finally they provide selling mechanism on financial asset to offer the benefit of marketability and liquidity of such assets. | 17. Wh y might you be willing to make a loan to your neighbor by putting funds in a savings account earning a 5% interest rate at the bank and having the bank lend her the funds at a 10% interest rate rather than lend her the funds yourself? To avoid asymmetric information (adverse selection and moral hazard) and to decrease transaction cost.Putting funds in a bank has no risk and not let one worry about having enough information about his/her neighbor (asymmetric information). If for example I lend my neighbor $100 and the chances for him/her to pay me back were 50%, then my expected return would be $55 [100* (1+10%)*50% + 0*50%]. But if I deposited my funds in a saving account, my expected return would be $105 [100*(1+5%)]. And that is because banks as intermediaries are more capable on providing better-expected return by diversifying their risk. Banks also have better resources on monitoring their borrowers actions; therefor they can avoid the asymmetric information problems. Monetary policy However, share of total employment is still low due to the fact that numbers of Australians work in the services sector. The rate of unemployment rate was also misleading due to the assumption of that paid work of one hour a week means the persons is classified as â€Å"employed† (Henry Thornton, 2013 ). Employment in manufacturing has been declining dramatically (Appendix 10) and the total number of manufacturing Job losses under the Rued and Gaillardia Governments to 143,300. (Sophie Memorable, 2012) Besides, the high exchange rate of Australia due to mining boom make the export sees competitive and make it costly for foreign company to purchase.The industry other than mining such as manufacturing, tourism and overseas enrolment in Australia has experienced significantly reduced in export income. There's an analysis from the Australia Institute that state out the country's farmers have lost $43. 5 billion in export income since the mining boom pushed the Australian dollar to historic highs, suffering a 41 per cent drop in export earnings since the boom began (The Australian Institute, 2013). The manufacturing index slumped 6. 9 points 40. 3, the stakes reading since June 2009 and fifth drop in six months (SMS, 2012).A depreciation of ADD is likely to put upward pressure on the rate of inflation. A lower dollar increases the price paid on imports, leading to an increase in imported inflation. The mining boom which is cooling has contributed to the depreciated ADD and caused Australia in a dangerous position and struggling and expecting a recession (Henry Thornton, 2013). Implication for Monetary and Fiscal Policy The Australian Dollar has rising over decades not only because of economic boom, but also thank to the effort of Australian government on monetary policy.During Global Financial Crisis, many countries all around the world has suffered in economic growth. However, Australia has done pretty well and has indirectly contribute to the rising of ADD. This is due to ARAB significantly increased of Aggregate Exchange Settlement (SE) balances to a peak of $1 Billion, which usually runs at $1 billion. As the economy enters a â€Å"Systemic Liquidity Stage,† the central banks become the â€Å"lender of last resort† (LOUR), this provided banks liquidity to support themselves in a period of tough financial condition (Varian Chafer, 2009).Over the course of the cuisines cycle, the ARAB continually tighten and loosen monetary policy in order to prevent inflation spilling over it's 2-3% average target range. (Appendix 11). The inflation target is the main guide for monetary policy decisions, and achieving that goal takes priority over other goals. The reason why Australia government want to keep inflation rate low is to stabilize the real income, drive up the economy and enhance country's competitiveness (RUG Barron, 2013). In terms of fiscal policy, government under Gaillardia has failed to perform it well.Competitiveness of Australia's on-mining sectors has slumping due to high company income tax (30%) as compared to other Asian competitor, for example, Singapore (15%) and government did not spent money wisely on infrastructure which would attract investor. In my own opinion, Australians new government under Tony Abbott should cut down the taxes from income. The action mentioned earlier can boost up the amount of the participation of labor force in Australia. When the worker knows that they are going to have a great earning on their real income, more of them are willing to come out to work in different industry.Appendix 12 shows increased in labor supply (supply rev moves to right) when there's tax cut. This is following by the increase in Real Gross Domestic Product. When more labor is involve in an industry, more output is produced and leads to increase in GAP Appendix 13. Besides, government should spend more on infrastructure, introducing new technology facilitating investment to attract the inv estor from foreign country to invest in Australia to increase Aggregate supply and contributes to higher GAP. Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Appendix 10 Appendix 1 Appendix 12 Appendix 13 Monetary Policy 2. Some economists suspect that one of the reasons that economies in developing countries grow so slowly is that they do not have well-developed financial markets. Does this argument make sense? Yes it does make sense since the financial markets have a big role in a country’s economy and has a greater affect on it if it’s working well or not (channeling the funds to people who will use them efficiently and productively).When a country works its financial markets in an efficient way (having the right investments, having enough money supply to better develop the country with its education, health, and infrastructure, and also enough to give for entrepreneurs to help develop the country, etc. ) it will defiantly affect the country positively and result in having a faster developing country. 4. If you suspect that a company will go bankrupt next year, which would you rather hold, bonds issued by the company or equities issued by the company? Why?I would rather hold bonds th an equities because a company will pay whatever left of their assets to their bondholders before their shareholders since bonds are forms of debt; therefor bondholders have claim on a company’s assets before shareholders (owners). 11. How can the adverse selection problem explain why you are more likely to make a loan to a family member than to a stranger? Adverse selection is the problem created by asymmetric information (when one party doesn’t have enough information about the other party to make an accurate decision) before the transaction of a loan occurs.So making a loan with a family member is better, or most likely to occur, rather than with a stranger because one will have more information available (knowing their honesty, risk tolerance and more, and also easier contact) with a family member than a stranger, which will help him/her (the lender) avoid the adverse selection problem. 16. â€Å"In a world without information costs and transaction costs, financial intermediaries would not exist† Is this statement true, false, or uncertain? Explain your answer. Uncertain.Information costs and transaction costs are two of the main reasons why financial intermediaries exist, so if these two costs fall, people will lend and borrow at zero cost and so they won’t be needing any financial intermediary. Nonetheless, financial intermediaries do have other functions such as enhancing individual and national income through interest or dividend on the lender’s surplus fund. Enhancing the GDP of a country through using the funds in a more productive way. They create capital for the country through the savings flow they receive.They help determine the price of traded financial assets through buyers and sellers, and based on the demand and supply. They also provide a sign for the allocation of funds. And finally they provide selling mechanism on financial asset to offer the benefit of marketability and liquidity of such assets. | 17. Wh y might you be willing to make a loan to your neighbor by putting funds in a savings account earning a 5% interest rate at the bank and having the bank lend her the funds at a 10% interest rate rather than lend her the funds yourself? To avoid asymmetric information (adverse selection and moral hazard) and to decrease transaction cost.Putting funds in a bank has no risk and not let one worry about having enough information about his/her neighbor (asymmetric information). If for example I lend my neighbor $100 and the chances for him/her to pay me back were 50%, then my expected return would be $55 [100* (1+10%)*50% + 0*50%]. But if I deposited my funds in a saving account, my expected return would be $105 [100*(1+5%)]. And that is because banks as intermediaries are more capable on providing better-expected return by diversifying their risk. Banks also have better resources on monitoring their borrowers actions; therefor they can avoid the asymmetric information problems.